妈妈好孕网 > 养生频道 > 保健 > 养生达人揭秘缺维D?营养师亲授补救妙招!






  • 促进钙和磷的吸收:维生素D能够增加肠道对钙和磷的吸收,有助于骨骼发育和保持正常骨密度。
  • 调节免疫系统:适量的维生素D有助于调节免疫系统功能,提高抵抗力。
  • 参与神经传导:维生素D与神经系统密切相关,可以影响神经传导速度和大脑功能。
  • 调节心血管健康:足够的维生素D水平与心血管健康密切相关,可降低患心脏病、高血压等风险。


  • 骨骼问题:维生素D缺乏会导致钙和磷吸收不足,容易引发骨质疏松、软骨畸形等问题。
  • 免疫系统异常:维生素D缺乏可能导致免疫系统功能下降,增加感染的风险。
  • 心血管问题:低维生素D水平与心脑血管相关的风险增加有关,如高血压、冠心病等。
  • 情绪低落:一些调查显示,缺乏维生素D的人更容易出现抑郁和焦虑等情绪问题。



  1. Skin type and sun exposure:

    The ability of the skin to produce vitamin D depends on factors such as skin type, time spent in the sun, and sunscreen use. People with darker skin tones may require more sun exposure to produce adequate amounts of vitamin D compared to those with lighter skin.

  2. Dietary intake:

    Vitamin D can be obtained from certain foods, such as fatty fish (salmon, mackerel), fortified dairy products, and egg yolks. However, it is difficult to meet the daily recommended intake through diet alone.

  3. Geographical location:

    People living in regions with limited sunlight exposure or at higher latitudes may have a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency due to reduced sun exposure.

  4. Age and gender:

    Elderly inpiduals and postmenopausal women are more prone to vitamin D deficiency due to decreased skin synthesis and hormonal changes affecting calcium metabolism.

  5. Medical conditions:

    Certain medical conditions like malabsorption disorders (e.g., celiac disease), liver or kidney diseases, obesity, and medications that interfere with vitamin D absorption can increase the risk of deficiency.



  1. Sun exposure:

    The most natural way for our bodies to produce vitamin D is through direct sunlight exposure. Spending 10-15 minutes in the sun without sunscreen on a daily basis can help boost your vitamin D levels. However, it's important not to overexpose yourself or put yourself at risk of sunburn or skin damage.

  2. Dietary sources:

    Incorporating foods rich in vitamin D into your diet can also help increase your intake. Some good food sources include fatty fish (salmon, mackerel), fortified dairy products (milk, yogurt), egg yolks, and mushrooms exposed to UV light.

  3. Supplements:

    If you're unable to meet your vitamin D needs through sunlight and diet alone, supplements may be recommended. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before starting any supplementation regimen.

  4. Lifestyle modifications:

    Making small changes in your daily routine can also contribute to maintaining adequate vitamin D levels. These include spending more time outdoors, participating in outdoor activities or exercises, and choosing foods fortified with vitamin D when available.



  • Consultation with healthcare professionals:

    Prior to starting any supplementation regimen, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian who can assess your inpidual needs and recommend an appropriate dosage.

  • Dosage guidelines:

    The recommended daily intake of vitamin D varies depending on age group and health conditions. Always follow the dosage guidelines provided by your healthcare professional or the instructions on the supplement packaging.

  • Quality and safety:

    Choose reputable brands when purchasing vitamin D supplements to ensure quality and safety. Look for third-party testing certifications to verify product purity and potency.

  • Potential interactions:

    If you are taking any medications or have underlying health conditions, it is important to inform your healthcare professional before starting vitamin D supplementation, as it may interact with certain medications or exacerbate certain health conditions.

  • Monitoring vitamin D levels:

    If you are regularly taking vitamin D supplements, it is advisable to periodically monitor your blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (the active form of vitamin D) through a blood test. This can help ensure that you are maintaining optimal levels without exceeding safe limits.




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